OpenNode conversion to and from bitcoin

Seamlessly convert between Bitcoin and major currencies automatically at the time of the transaction with locked exchange rates, or on demand.

Currency conversion

Instantly convert Bitcoin to your local currency
bililng invoices icon

Payment requests

Merchants can choose from 190+ source currencies to create bitcoin payment requests in.
bililng invoices icon

Automatic conversion

Convert to your preferred local currency at the time of transaction to avoid bitcoin price changes.
bililng invoices icon

Account funds

Convert settled funds to/from bitcoin anytime. Hold funds in your preferred currency and optimize funds transfers.
payroll & payouts icon

Funding payouts

When you deposit local currency, OpenNode converts to bitcoin at the time payouts are initiated to provide price certainty.

Current rate



Updated at 2:44 AM

Conversion tool

Quickly and easily convert bitcoin to/from major currencies.
How did we calculate this number

Guaranteed exchange rates

With Locked Rates, businesses who use Automatic Conversion to avoid bitcoin price changes always receive the full requested local currency amount.

On demand conversion

Convert bitcoin instantly or schedule conversions in advance. Hold funds in your preferred currency.

Free conversion and support for major currencies

Conversion is free

With OpenNode it’s free to convert to/from bitcoin.

Supported currencies

Choose from our list of supported major settlement currencies.

We’re adding more

We’re expanding our exchange relationships and adding new currencies. Don’t see a currency you need? Get in touch

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